Arena Flag Football
5on5 with quick subs
1st-2nd Grade 6:00PM
3rd-4th Grade 7:00PM
$100/4 week session
@Pure Athletex in Wexford
4 week sessions - Tuesdays
January 7th - 28th
1st-2nd 6:00 Waitlist
3rd-4th 7:00 Waitlist
February 11th- March 4th
1st-2nd 6:00 Waitlist
3rd-4th 7:00 Waitlist
Play Now’s Ultimate Flag Football Arena League at Pure Athletex is a fast paced flag football game with some rule tweaks to pump up the scoring, stat lines, and action while keeping the focus on fundamentals! We will use substitutions but think quick hockey shifts. Join Coach Cody and Play Now coaches for an exciting night of high octane flag football.